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Poromechanics Laboratory


About Us

Poromechanics laboratory led by Prof. Hyoung Suk Suh aims to address global challenges associated with extreme climate events and demanding energy resources that require significant advances in our understanding and predictive capability of multi-physical coupling mechanisms across spatial and temporal scales. Our vision is to develop synergetic engineering technologies for geohazard mitigations and energy systems that meet societal needs. Our research group is directed towards energy and environmental geotechnics through the lens of theoretical and computational poromechanics that combines first principles and phenomenological observations to predict the behavior of a wide range of natural and engineered materials. In specific, we focus on the multi-physical coupling effects to understand how multi-phase material responds under the influence of stress, deformation, flow regimes, temperature, phase transition, and damage evolution which may lead to better engineering solutions.

Current Research Focus Areas

  • Microstructural effects on the hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated media.

  • Image-based modeling and digital twinning of particulate and porous media.

  • Microthermoporomechanics of fractured/fracturing porous media under extreme conditions.

  • Bridging micro- and macroscopic computational models via machine learning techniques.

  • Homogenization theories for multi-phase materials.

  • Automated process to discover and generate constitutive models.

  • Coupled thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical model for energy and environmental geotechnics. 

Recent News

  • Dr. Hyoung Suk Suh has won the Glennan Fellowship from UCITE at Case Western Reserve University (May 2024).

  • Dr. Hyoung Suk Suh has joined Case Western Reserve University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor (July 2023).

  • Dr. Hyoung Suk Suh has been invited for a talk at Yonsei University as a new member of YGA (July 2023).

  • Dr. Hyoung Suk Suh has visited Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) to give a talk (June 2023).

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